This is simply one more step to get you closer. Knowing your sexuality and being open about it is two very different things, believe me. Results imply that the energy scale of these authors was miscalibrated by. The Erotic Response and Orientation Scale was developed by psychologist Michael Storms in order to account for problems with the Kinsey Scale Test, which many found to be overly binary in its approach to sexual orientation. For length, there appears to be a large drop between 7 - 7.25, and a very large drop between 8 - 8.25. You can see the size drop-offs, which I’ve highlighted in red boxes, and the extreme drop-offs in green boxes. Just because you take the test doesn't mean you have to share the results. I thought this was kind of interesting.statistics from the Kinsey Institute of Research, regarding erect measurements. Even if you are nervous, it is not a good idea to lie, as it will give you inaccurate results. It is asking if you like it more than the other, and liking them both equally is not the same.Īnother thing, remember to be totally honest at all times. If it asks "do you like this more than this", and you enjoy them both equally, mark it as a "no". The questions do not provide for "in-between" answers, so pay close attention to the wording. Some of the questions can be awkward to answer, and if you think you might not be comfortable answering all of them in the company of others, feel free to take it alone somewhere. I myself, am a 3/6 on the Kinsey Scale, also considered an even mix of heterosexuality and homosexuality, which is pretty accurate. The creator of the test mentions that the test is not totally accurate, but I still highly recommend it if you are unsure of your own sexuality. If you type in the "Kinsey Scale" to pretty much every search engine, a link to take a quick test will likely be the first thing to pop up. It goes from 1-6, as well as including no sexual orientation. This is a test to help determine just how straight or gay you are. If you are familiar with sexuality terms, you may also be familiar with the Kinsey Scale.